Tuesday, May 22, 2012

St Charles Lwanga and Companions - what would these brave men make of the Soho Masses?

A few months ago I wrote a post highlighting the fact that Terence Weldon - member of the Soho Masses Pastoral Council and author of the Queering the Church blog - had declared that a gay-rights campaigner who had probably, according to later reports, died at the hands of his rent boy was a "New Ugandan Martyr." In his post, Weldon also went on to seemingly disparage St Charles Lwanga, who is a true martyr for the Christian faith. One of the reasons St Charles was put to death was for his refusal to allow Mwanga II, the homosexual king of what was then called Buganda (modern-day Uganda), to sodomise him and the other young Christians under his care.

Contrary to other Catholic organisations that provide pastoral care and support to those with same-sex attractions (i.e. Courage Apostolate), the Soho Masses group seems to promote the gay culture and its political agenda - which, of course, is profoundly opposed to the Gospel and to the truth that Catholicism proclaims. One wonders then, on this his feast day, what St Charles Lwanga would have to say about the Soho Masses? I find it very difficult to believe that his holy and brave man, who refused to submit to his King's homosexual lust, would approve of a group within the Church that seems to promote homosexuality as well as same-sex civil partnerships and the like.

To find out more about the story of St Charles Lwanga and his young Companions, please visit Catholic Online, which has an excellent article on these holy Martyrs. Also, here is a video, which movingly recounts the last moment of St Charles and the other men and boys who were barbarically killed alongside him.
There were also some Anglicans who died for the Christian faith with St Charles and his friends. These men, who were mentioned by Pope Paul VI at the Canonisation of St Charles and his Companions, also refused the King's homosexual advances, and witness both to the Church's ultimate unity and to the fact that Christians should always stand together in promoting sanctity, truth and God's Holy Commandments. It is wonderful to know that St Charles Lwanga and the other young men and boys who gave their lives for Christ with him are now beholding God before His Throne in Heaven! May they not forget us who for now live as their earth-bound brothers and sisters.

Lord God, we pray for the Church,
that she may be One in faith and united in witnessing to the splendour of the truth.
May she always have the courage to call men and women to holiness
and may she never bow to the false teachings of this passing world. Amen

St Charles Lwanga and Companions, pray for us

SOURCE: http://areluctantsinner.blogspot.com/2011/06/st-charles-lwanga-and-companions-what.html
[Image: St Charles Lwanga and Comps., as found on many websites on the internet. This image is in the public domain]